"The Role of the Artist is Not to Look Away" Akira Kurosawa, Adaptor and Adapted

In this look at the works of one of the most acclaimed directors of all time, we'll examine six of Akira Kurosawa's best-known films, along with how they either adapted, or were adapted into, Western cinema, and the unique cultural context that he brought to these stories. Examined will be Rashomon (1950), Ikiru (1952, recently remade as the Oscar-nominated Living), Seven Samurai (1954, the basis for The Magnificent Seven), Throne of Blood (1955), The Hidden Fortress (1958, credited by George Lucas as the basis for the storyline in Star Wars) and Yojimbo (1961, partial inspiration for Clint Eastwood's A Fistful of Dollars).

Note: Students are expected to watch the films outside of class; all are currently available on the Max streaming service (formerly HBO max).

Registration deadline: Oct. 22


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