From Democracy to Dictatorship: Germany 1919-1939

As her army retreated and civil unrest intensified, Germany in the fall of 1918 agreed to an armistice, which was followed in 1919 by the punitive Treaty of Versailles.  Burdened with loss of territory, military restrictions, and reparations, the new democratic government (Weimar Republic, 1919-1933) commenced under inauspicious circumstances and in the following decade, it struggled to survive. The Depression that began in 1929 was one burden too many and by 1933 the Nazi Party had gained control. This course will examine Germany between the World Wars, focusing on the political and economic crises of the 1920s and the cultural expressions that reflected the disillusionment and despair of these years. We'll discuss the rise and success of the Nazis, and examine life in the Third Reich.

Registration Deadline: Jan. 15


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