Microsoft Power BI Desktop

Microsoft Power BI transforms data into rich visuals that facilitate new ways of thinking about and organizing data so that you can focus on what is important to achieving your goals. This class will cover both Power BI Online and Power BI Desktop, showing you how to use Microsoft Power BI to extract data from multiple data sources, transform the data and load it into a powerful visual report.

You will begin by exploring the steps necessary to install Power BI Desktop, and then go on to examine the interface, available file types and data sources, and how to configure data refresh settings. You will learn about available data types and best practices in utilizing them, as well as importing data, transforming data, loading data, and manipulating data using CSV, TXT, Excel Worksheets, and databases. You will also create reports and dashboards, examining amazing visualization options for each. Discussion will also include a look at Power BI Mobile and other options for sharing information created with Power BI.

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