MCE DO NOT USE – Overview of Local Food Systems Training Program

This certificate program is designed to provide a solid general foundation of knowledge of local food systems practice. It is composed of three (3) courses:

1. Foundations in Local Food Development (15 hours): This course serves as an introduction to the practice of local  food systems development and is a prerequisite for enrolling in the other courses listed below.
2. Farm to Fork: Foundations in Local Food Supply and Value Chains (8-9 hours): This course will introduce you to the concept of a value chain, and will explore what values drive supply chain configuration in different contexts.
3. The Bottom Line: Economic Realities and Other Considerations of Local Food Systems (8-9 hours): This course provides an overview of how to analyze the community economic development impacts of local food systems, including the basics of business planning and development.  

These courses are designed for working professionals and utilize various types of engaging activities, including lectures, readings, forum posts, podcasts, and virtual field trips.These are "asynchronous" self-paced, online courses, meaning that there are no scheduled meeting times. Currently, you can enroll when you are ready to start, and begin interacting with the learning content at your own pace. Course certificates of completion will be offered through NC State University to participants who successfully complete all course modules, quizzes, and forum post requirements.